Selected Works
- Expeditions of Projection, VIBE [2023]
- [INTERVIEW] Summer Farah Speaks With Leena Aboutaleb About Her Debut Chapbook, Poetry.onl
- Books We Read By SWANA Authors 2023, Summer Farah and Samia Saliba
Essays and Reviews
- Translator’s Note for Anees Ghanima’s Poems, Logic(s) Magazine
- Through the Algorithm: Empire, Power and World-Making in Basel Abbas and Ruanne Abou-Rahme’s ‘If only this mountain between us could be ground to dust’ at the Art Institute Chicago, Third Text
- Sun and Sea by Lamia Joriege [Marfa’ Beirut], Tribe Photo Magazine
- May amnesia never kiss us on the mouth by Basel Abbas and Ruanne Abou-Rahme [Museum of Modern Art], Tribe Photo Magazine
Panels and Conversations
- Leena Aboutaleb Speaks with Summer Farah About Her Debut Chapbook, Poetry.Onl
- Leena Aboutaleb Feature, Sa'alouni El Nas
- Love and Intimacy with Nour Arafat, LIFTA x CPS
- Palestinian Futurism, FIYAH Lit Con
- قبور وراء النافذة / “Graves behind the Window”
- معذبو الأرض / “The Wretched of the Earth”
Selected Works
- October, Mizna
- What about witnessing do you want to remember, Columbia Journal
- Portal: Cyclical, Split this Rock
- Inheritance, Prairie Schooner Fusion (reprinted in Prairie Schooner Print, Editor’s Pick 12 Years, Summer 2024)
- Hijacked Interiors, Strange Horizons
- Languaging Memory, Poetry Online
- Spectral Memory, Poetry Ireland Review
- Line 3, Kit-Kat, Poetry London (reprinted in Poetry Daily)
- art exhibition: west bank girl on fire, Strange Horizons (anthologised in HEAVEN LOOKS LIKE US)
- LIBERATION IS ROTTING IN YOUR FIGS, FIYAH (reprinted in Room Magazine)
- Provocation of the Night, Mizna
- elegy (i); the grave, ANMLY
- Of A Coming World, BAHR (anthologised in HEAVEN LOOKS LIKE US)
- Cairo Love Story + KUN FAYAKUN, The Hunger
- yeah maybe I’m still in luv w u, Underblong
- Ontologies, The Boiler
- EL BAHR, EL BAHR, EL BAHR, Vagabond City